


Advances in Alzheimer's Disease Management

Advances in Alzheimer's Disease Management


CHAPTER 7: Ethical and clinically humane end-of-life care for those living with dementia
by Michael Gordon


Serge Gauthier, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Pedro Rosa-Neto, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Publisher: Future Medicine
Reviewed by: Michael Gordon, MD, MSc, FRCPC, FACP, FRCPEdin

It is always a pleasure to be able to discuss a new book to a receptive audience when I believe the book has something special to offer. When it comes to reviewing books outside the realm of medicine or the medical sciences, reviews often are reflective of the personal and aesthetic views of the reviewer. There are many books written for professional readers on the fringe of medical science that deal with non-clinical aspects of medicine and many that have translated important medical concepts to the lay audience and others in the form of memoirs and novels of the personal and historical type that add a great deal to the general wealth and richness of medicine and the associated medical sciences.

To undertake an academic text book is always a daunting task. Generally if experts and specialists in the field cannot write such a book without the help of others and currently the idea of editors securing experts to write the relevant chapters is a well-accepted methodology for achieving that goal. That being said it becomes the responsibility of the editors to make sure that those that they recruit to write the relevant chapters have the academically sound and clinically and research-based capability of doing so and on top of that have the writing skills to achieve their goal. Moreover, for the chapters to hang together in one strives to have some degree of congruence in the writing approaches and styles, while at the same time promoting the particular capabilities of the writers of each chapter. At the end it is hoped that the chapters hang together into a whole that attracts the reader and provides a perspective on the subject and each of its varied components that would be hard to achieve if the reader decided to explore each of the subject chapters separately without the benefit of them being collated, edited and reference into one easily accessible book.

I am therefore pleased and honoured to not only present the book to subscribers of, Advances in Alzheimer’s Disease Management edited by Serge Gauthier and Pedro Rosa-Neto but to have been one of the contributors. At a time when the knowledge surrounding Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias is on the one hand expanding rapidly from the scientific perspective, for the practicing physician and patient living with dementia and their families, the challenges seems to be overwhelming. There seems to be a huge disconnect between the understanding and scientific progress of the causes in many domains of enquiry and the actual clinical impact that all this new knowledge currently has that physicians in the front lines of care can utilize clinically.

In medicine however, one never knows what key will be the one that opens the door we are all looking to enter. At any given time all we can do is to try and figure out using the best clues and evidence available to know what secrets lay behind that door. The readily accessible E-book format in which Advances in Alzheimer’s disease management is produced allows for a relatively low cost alternative to the usual costs of hard copy texts. The content of the book covers all the main challenging concepts and recommended or best-practices as they exists currently. Obviously in time, perhaps a very short time, some of these will change but for those in the field we all know that many of the concepts and practices have not changed in many years.

The table of contents includes the following subjects by the authors listed next to the chapter titles, with mine at the end. I have been given permission to reproduce my chapter, Ethical and clinically humane end-of-life care for those living with dementia on the website so that subscribers can get a taste of the e-book itself.

1) Genetics of Alzheimer’s disease by Jayashree Viswanathan, Hilkka Soininen & Mikko Hiltunen;
2) Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease by Pedro Rosa-Neto, Jared Rowley, Antoine Leuzy, Sara Mohades, Monica Shin, Marina T Dauar and Serge Gauthier
3) Available symptomatic antidementia drugs by Marie-Pierre Thibodeau and Fadi Massoud
4) New drugs under development for Alzheimer’s disease by Lezanne Ooi, Kirubakaran Shanmugam, Mili Patel, Rachel Debono and Gerald Münch
5) Management of agitation and aggression: controversies and possible solutions by Clive Ballard and Anne Corbett
6) Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease by Serge Gauthier and Christopher JS Patterson
7) Ethical and clinically humane end-of-life care for those living with dementia by Michael Gordon

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A Practical Review of the Diagnosis and Management of Small Renal Masses

A Practical Review of the Diagnosis and Management of Small Renal Masses


Stanley A. Yap,1 Shabbir M.H. Alibhai,2,3Antonio Finelli,1
1Division of Urologic Oncology, Princess Margaret Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada. 2Institute of Health Policy, Management, and Evaluation, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada. 3Department of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.

The incidence of small renal masses (SRMs) has risen steadily over time, and SRMs now represent the majority of newly diagnosed renal lesions. Approximately 80% of newly diagnosed SRMs will be malignant. However, identifying a benign versus malignant lesion non-invasively can be difficult since no distinct imaging characteristics or growth patterns exist between the two. We have witnessed concurrent improvements in treatment strategies for small, localized tumors and have gained a better understanding of their natural history. Along with these changes there has been a shift in the manner in which we diagnose and treat SRMs. Although surgery remains the standard of care, we can now offer a variety of therapies individualized to the patient.
Keywords: kidney cancer, small renal mass, diagnosis, treatment.

From Science to Smartphones: Boosting Memory Function One Press at a Time

From Science to Smartphones: Boosting Memory Function One Press at a Time


Eva Svoboda, PhD,1,2 Gillian Rowe, PhD,1,2 Kelly Murphy, PhD,1,2
1Neuropsychology and Cognitive Health Program, Baycrest Centre, Toronto, ON.
2Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.

Memory problems can be devastating as they limit independent functioning and disrupt social, family, and occupational roles. One form of remembering, prospective memory - remembering to attend to a task or event in the future—is particularly vulnerable to disruption. Fortunately memory is not a singular ability and patients can learn to compensate for memory difficulties by using preserved memory systems. Combining smartphone technology with appropriate training techniques has been shown to be effective in supporting prospective memory function even in individuals with amnesia. We have evidence that such technology may be used in a similar fashion to promote memory in mild cognitive impairment with the aim of delaying or preventing dementia onset. Even in dementia, memory training or support in forming new habits and routines which tap into preserved memory systems can be effectively used to help patients learn new names, reduce repetitive questions and remain oriented to the present. The best prevention is early intervention. Older adults presenting with memory complaints, no matter how mild, should be directed to maintain, reestablish, or institute habits of organization and written reminders, both to support current memory functioning and to preserve functional independence into the future should their concerns turn out to be the early manifestations of a neurodegenerative condition.
Keywords: amnesia, technology, dementia, mild cognitive impairment, memory intervention.

“Acute Tonsillitis”—if Left Untreated Can Result in Severe Fatal Complications

“Acute Tonsillitis”—if Left Untreated Can Result in Severe Fatal Complications


A Clinical Presentation and Review of the Literature

Pradeep K. Shenoy, MD, DLO, FRCS, FACS, ENT Service Chief, Campbellton Regional Hospital, NB, Campbellton, Canada.

A case of acute tonsillitis is reported where proper antibiotic treatment was not given because of a negative throat culture, and the patient presented with complications. Review of the literature regarding acute tonsillitis, its presentation, treatment and various complications are discussed.
Keywords: acute tonsillitis, throat swab, peritonsillar abscess, retropharyngeal abscess, parapharyngeal abscess, GABHS, MRSA, PANDAS, Lemierre’s syndrome.

Palliative and Therapeutic Harmonization (PATH): A New Model for Decision-Making in Frail Older Adults

Palliative and Therapeutic Harmonization (PATH): A New Model for Decision-Making in Frail Older Adults

Members of the College of Family Physicians of Canada may claim one non-certified credit per hour for this non-certified educational program.

Mainpro+® Overview

Paige Moorhouse, MD MPH FRCPC, and Laurie Mallery MD FRCPC, Division of Geriatric Medicine, Dalhousie University, Halifax Nova Scotia

As the population ages, advances in medical technology paradoxically result in the accumulation of multiple chronic health conditions—known as frailty. Despite increasing numbers of frail older adults, healthcare systems have not been designed to meet the challenges associated with caring for this patient population. This article describes the characteristics of health systems that exacerbate the complex issues associated with caring for those who are frail and reviews one possible model, known as PATH—Palliative and Therapeutic Harmonization, as a way to respond to these system challenges.
Keywords: frailty, care planning, dementia, knowledge translation, health program.

Neural Plasticity and Cognitive Reserve

Neural Plasticity and Cognitive Reserve


Zahra Bardai, BSc, MD, CCFP, MHSc, FCFP, Community Family Physician, Lecturer, University of Toronto, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct), Department of Family Medicine, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON.

Neural plasticity in the context of normal aging and dementia can be evaluated on a number of levels. Traditionally there has been much focus on cellular dysfunction, which is evidenced by the plaques and tangles that are the hallmarks of Alzheimer type dementia. Now, more than ever, there is an emerging spotlight on the preservation of functional levels despite failing cognition be it from normal aging, mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or diagnosed dementia. Neural plasticity can be viewed as the complex interaction between the neurons' electrical, biochemical and physical structure and the individual's behavioural, psychological and sociological activities.1 This article will briefly review the neurobiology of cognition and the sequence of events that lead to its demise. The remainder of this review concentrates on tangible, evidence based strategies to uphold clinical cognition through the aging process.
Keywords: neural plasticity, aging, dementia, cognition, neurons.

…there were neurons in her head, not far from her ears, that were being strangled to death, too quietly for her to hear them. Some would argue that things were going so insidiously wrong that the neurons themselves initiated events that would lead to their own destruction. Whether it was molecular murder or cellular suicide, they were unable to warn her of what was happening before they died.

-Still Alice
Lisa Genova

Sharp Foreign Bodies in the Upper Digestive Tract

Sharp Foreign Bodies in the Upper Digestive Tract


To use a Flexible or Rigid Endoscope is a Real Dilemma—A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Pradeep K. Shenoy, MD, DLO, FRCS, FACS,1 K.Bali, MD, MS(ORL),2
1ENT Service Chief, Campbellton Regional Hospital, NB, Campbellton, Canada. 2Deputy Head of Ear Nose and Throat Dept, Al Ain Hospital, Al Ain, UAE.

A case of a sharp foreign body (needle) in the upper oesophagus is reported. A review of the literature of ingestion of sharp foreign bodies, failed extractions, different management techniques and complications is discussed.
Keywords: sharp foreign body, flexible endoscopy, rigid endoscopy, IJV thrombosis, cervical oesophagotomy, oesophageal perforation, mediastinitis, cricopharyngoscope, oesophagoscope, colonoscope, Weerda diverticuloscope.

Recognizing Dementia can be Tricky

Recognizing Dementia can be Tricky


Kelly J. Murphy, PhD, C.Psych., Neuropsychologist, Neuropsychology & Cognitive Health, Baycrest; Assistant Professor, Psychology, University of Toronto.
Angela K. Troyer, PhD, C.Psych, Professional Practice, Chief of Psychology, Baycrest, Assistant Professor, Psychology, University of Toronto.

Dementia is characterized by multiple cognitive impairments that cause significant functional decline. Based on this brief definition, the initial expectation might be that recognizing dementia in a patient is straightforward. Not true. Recognizing dementia can be tricky, particularly in patients who present as alert, socially appropriate, and capable of providing reasonable answers to questions. We briefly outline signs on casual observation that would prompt investigation into a patient's current cognitive and functional status to determine the presence of dementia during a routine visit. Approaches to screening for cognitive and functional decline are described along with first-step recommendations to connect patients and families with resources. The front-line clinician plays a pivotal role in identifying dementia with earlier intervention having the most potential to offset the burden on patients, families, and society.
Keywords: dementia, activities of daily living, functional decline, cognitive decline.

When to Have the Critical Conversation? Issues in Planning for Persons with Dementia and their Caregivers

When to Have the Critical Conversation? Issues in Planning for Persons with Dementia and their Caregivers


Michael Gordon, MD, MSc, FRCPC, Medical Program Director, Baycrest Geriatric Health Care System; Professor of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.

Of the many challenges that face families when looking after their older loved ones, of the most difficult is deciding on end-of-life decisions. The accepting or rejecting artificial nutrition and hydration, apparently life-saving antibiotic intervention for an aspiration pneumonia or urinary tract infection or the implementation of theoretically life-saving cardio-pulmonary resuscitation are among the many decisions that substitute decision-makers, who are often close family members, have to make. More often than not, these types of decisions are required in urgent situations where a time-consuming deliberative process that might be expected for a well-thought out decision to be reached is not possible because of the pressures of the potentially fatal clinical situation. Proper preparation for such eventualities usually requires time and thought that includes exploration of personal values and wishes in what ideally should occur during conversations between older loved ones at risk of or in the throes of dementia when discussions might still take place. These revealing communications must occur with those that are responsible for making these very personal and potentially life-altering clinical decisions.

Common Lumps and Bumps in Children: A Colour-coded Differential

Common Lumps and Bumps in Children: A Colour-coded Differential

Members of the College of Family Physicians of Canada may claim one non-certified credit per hour for this non-certified educational program.

Mainpro+® Overview

Shahana Nathwani, BHK, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.
Joseph M Lam, MD, FRCP(C), Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Associate Member, Department of Dermatology and Skin Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.

Many conditions present as 'lumps and bumps' in the pediatric population. Some follow a benign course and can be safely observed with parental education and reassurance. Others require definitive therapy or carry the potential for serious complications. Understanding and recognizing the different lesions will help guide the care, counseling and management of patients with these common 'lumps and bumps'. This review presents and categorizes common pediatric cutaneous lesions according to colours as a tool to help the general practitioner recognize and remember these lesions.
Keywords: benign; pediatric; tumours; vascular; hemangioma; nevus.