Law and Ethics Most Recent

The brain is a very complex organ. Perhaps the most complex and at the same time least understood.

I was lucky. When I was a junior high school and high school student, we studied English literature including at least one of Shakespeare’s plays.

Most physician have a basic understanding of the risks of head trauma.

I found it while rummaging through the contents of drawer I emptied from my desk at Baycrest Geriatric Centre, the place I retired from after forty-four years.

Sexuality is as old as the human and all species came into existence.

This history of the modern introduction of assisted suicide in North America follow a tortuous course, with complete rejection of the idea, to implementation in many of its jurisdictions.

The reality of addictions is not new. Over the millennia there is written evidence of addictions to substances and activities that would be recognized by contemporary observers of human history.

In the earliest writing of stories, physicians and illnesses often played an important role.

Most of us would agree with the almost trite saving that "life is a journey".