Oral Health Most Recent
Homeostasis of fluid balance is an important prerequisite for healthy aging. The high prevalence of disturbances of fluid balance among older adult patients has triggered clinical research on age- and disease-related changes in water homeostasis.
Due to the increase in the older population, the management of individuals with dementia in long-term care settings will continue to present a challenge to the health care team.

The oral cavity is a frequent site of head and neck cancer. The population most commonly afflicted with cancer of the oral cavity is older adults.

Oropharyngeal cancer is a disease of adults and has a higher risk of occurrence with increasing age. In addition, oral complications of cancer therapy are more frequent and may be more severe in older patients.

Saliva is critically important for oral and pharyngeal health. Xerostomic complaints and salivary hypofunction are common in older adults, producing impaired nutritional intake, host defence and communication.

Teeth are supported by the surrounding peridontium, which is composed of both soft and hard connective tissue.
The oral health status of older adults is generally poorer than that of the rest of the population. In particular, those residing in institutions have very poor oral health.
Dental professionals in Canada have concerned themselves with the oral health of Canada's population as a whole; unfortunately, strategies and funding have not supported initiatives to address the growing needs of the elderly population.