Osteoporosis Most Recent

In spite of great effort, low back pain (LBP) remains a significant burden on society and one of the most common reasons to see a primary care provider.

In 1987, the Quebec Taskforce noted, "Distinct patterns of reliable clinical findings are the only logical basis for back pain categorization and subsequent treatment."

Back dominant pain is either intensified by flexion or is not aggravated by bending forward.

Leg dominant pain suggests direct nerve root involvement: radicular, not referred symptoms.

Dr. Earl Bogoch’s key message concerned the importance of identifying and treating osteoporosis after a fragility fracture, in order to prevent future fractures, most importantly of the hip.

Advances in the understanding of bone biology and the role of the RANK/RANKL/OPG pathway have opened new treatment avenues for osteoporosis.

In her introduction to a panel of speakers discussing new horizons in the treatment of osteoporosis, incoming Canadian Geriatrics Society President Dr. Angela Juby first encouraged listeners to recall the definition of osteoporosis.

Dr. Alexandra Papaioannou reviewed the results of Phase 3 trials of denosumab, which she described “an exciting new compound” under investigation.