The current controversy is about whether MAID, legal in Canada since 2016, should also include as a sole reason, mental illness (MD-SUC).

It is now well known that conditions that compromise cognitive abilities will play an increasingly important role in individual and population health in the decades to come.

Physicians usually become adept at choosing medications for the complaints and illnesses that patients bring to their attention.

Physicians usually become adept at choosing medications for the complaints and illnesses that patients bring to their attention.

One of the great things about the history of medicine is how new ideas and approaches to care replace those that were previously the "gold standard" fall by the wayside and are replaced with newer and more effective treatments.

Advance care planning has become a much touted and potentially very important addition to the new operative structure of meeting the many challenges of an ever increasingly older population.

The progress of medicine over previous decades includes benefits in the world of vaccination against especially childhood disease.

When I graduated from medical school in 1966, geriatrics was already one of the medical subspecialties in Scotland...

In the absence of immortality, the human species has over the millennia developed rites and rituals to help in the passing of life to honor the person who is dying or has died or in some way demonstrate their “courage” and perseverance as well as duty even in the face of almost certain death.