Drug Safety Most Recent

The number of over-the-counter (OTC) medications is increasing as more prescription medications are being switched to OTC status.
Accumulated research evidence suggests that vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency has profound implications for health and well-being, compromising immune responses and increasing the risk for osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes, depression, cancer, and cardiovascular disease.
The use of opioid medications and converting among them in the older adult population can often be challenging.

Dr. Allen Huang focused on the distinct problems encountered when prescribing medications to older adults.

Le Dr Allen Huang s’est intéressé aux problèmes particuliers des prescriptions médicamenteuses aux personnes âgées.
Many patients use herbal medicines, often without telling their physicians.
Long-term benzodiazepine use in older adults with sleep disorders is potentially hazardous, but it is also becoming easier to manage as approaches to withdrawal become feasible in primary care, without adverse consequences.
Heart failure (HF) is the leading cause of hospitalization among older adults. Digoxin has been shown to reduce hospitalization due to worsening HF.
Warfarin-drug interactions are often encountered in the care of older adults.