


Interventional Radiology Procedures for Chronic Low Back Pain


Dr. Ted Findlay, D.O., CCFP,1 Amar Suchak, MD, FRCP(C), 2

1is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine at the University of Calgary. He is also in a Private Family Medicine practice. In addition he is on Medical Staff at Alberta Health Services, Calgary Zone in Calgary, Alberta.
2Clinical Assistant Professor Department of Radiology, Department of Nuclear Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta.


Abstract: There is an increasing availability and clinical use of interventional radiological techniques for patients with low back pain. This can be a valuable additional tool in the management of low back pain that has not responded to conservative treatment. However, the clinical indications and appropriate uses as well as cautions that apply to this treatment modality are in many cases less well understood by the primary care practitioner. The objective of this article is to review clinical scenarios in which these procedures are commonly considered, as well as their limitations. The field of interventional radiology is one that is rapidly evolving and an area of active clinical research. It is important for the primary care practitioner to have a basic understanding of the current state of the art in order to have an informed discussion with their patients who may be seeking advice on this treatment option.
Key Words: Low back pain; treatment; interventional radiology definitions; interventional radiology indications; interventional radiology complications.

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1. In patients carefully selected by clinical and radiological examination, there can be satisfying clinical gains from the use of currently available interventional radiologic procedures.
2. One must not assume that abnormal findings on radiologic imaging immediately explains the anatomical cause of a patient's low back pain; a corresponding accurate history and physical examination is ideal prior to commencing injections.
3. When successful, the gains from radiological interventions should be considered one portion of a broader clinical treatment plan, rather than the entire plan of management.
4. Unsuccessful interventional procedures should not be repeated.
1. Do not apply repeated interventional procedures with an expectation that one of them will find the target source of the patient's low back pain.
2. Although they may be uncommon, interventional radiology risks can occur and the referring physician should be cognizant of these dangers that accumulate with repeated interventions.
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A New Approach for the Excision of a Vallecular Cyst Using a Zero-Degree Nasal Endoscope


Dr. Pradeep Shenoy, MD, FRCS, FACS, DLO,

ENT & Neck Surgeon, Campbellton Regional Hospital, Campbellton, New Brunswick, Canada.


Abstract: This case study reviews the clinical presentation and treatment of a patient’s vascular cyst. Though it is a rare diagnosis/condition, it could be a medical emergency for an individual of any age. Described here is a new approach for the complete excision of the vallecular cyst.
Key Words: vallecular cyst, excision, zero-degree nasal endoscope
Vallecular cysts are retention cysts in the Vallecular—a space between the base of the tongue, epiglottis and lateral pharyngeal wall.
They are triggered by acid reflux and smoking.
Vallecular cyst can be seen in CT Scan and laryngoscopy examination.
The access is difficult trans-orally. Here we are describing New approach using a zero-degree endoscope.
Vallecular cysts are rare in the paediatric and adult age groups.
Vallecular cysts can present as asymptomatic when small, however, when big they can present as a feeling of some food stuck in the throat or pain.
In emergency situation can block the food and airway passage and require emergency treatment.
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About Psoriasis

About Psoriasis


Psoriasis is a common but chronic skin condition that causes inflammation and scaling (red elevated patches and flaking silvery scales). The patches can be itchy or sore, causing discomfort and pain. Psoriasis causes skin cells to rise to the surface and shed at a very rapid rate. On average, people with psoriasis shed their skin cells every 3 to 4 days, while people without the condition have a turnover rate of about every 30 days.1,2,3,4

Median Raphe Cysts


Mary Tong, BHSc, MD Candidate,1 Joseph M. Lam, MD, FRCSC,2

1McMaster University, Hamilton, ON.
2Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology University of British Columbia, BC.


Abstract: Median raphe cysts are rare congenital lesions caused by a defect in embryological development of the male genitalia. They can present as solitary or multiple papules along the median raphe from urethral meatus to the anus. Although they are asymptomatic during childhood, they can cause problems later on as they increase in size. Surgical excision of the lesion is not necessary unless the patient becomes symptomatic.
Key Words: median raphe cysts, congenital lesions, treatment, management.
Median raphe cysts are benign cysts that can be present at birth, or acquired due to trauma or infection in the genitalia area.
Histologically, the cysts can have pseudo stratified columnar, squamous cell, or glandular epithelium, or a mixture of these cells.
Although these cysts are asymptomatic during childhood, they should be monitored overtime because they may cause problems as they increase in size with time.
Because these are benign malformations, median raphe cysts do not require excision unless they cause problems such as pain, problems with urination or sexual activity, or for cosmetic reasons.
Median raphe cysts are benign lesions that may be caused be a defect in the embryological development of the male genitalia.
The differential diagnoses of median raphe cyst include glomus tumor, dermoid cyst, pilonidal cyst, epidermal inclusion cyst, urethral diverticulum, and steatocystoma.
Treatment for asymptomatic median raphe cyst is not necessary but surgical excision can be considered if the cyst is causing problems or for cosmetic reasons.
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About Rosacea

About Rosacea


Rosacea is a common, chronic skin condition that causes redness of the face. It often presents as a mild redness or blushing that, over time, lasts for longer durations and becomes more pronounced. Rosacea can also produce enlarged, visible blood vessels and small red bumps on the facial skin. Before diagnosis, it can be mistaken for acne, an allergic reaction, or other skin conditions.1,2,3

Frequently Asked Questions about Psoriasis

Frequently Asked Questions about Psoriasis


Psoriasis is a common but chronic skin condition that causes inflammation and scaling (red elevated patches and flaking silvery scales). The patches can be itchy or sore, causing discomfort and pain. Psoriasis causes skin cells to rise to the surface and shed at a very rapid rate. On average, people with psoriasis shed their skin cells every 3 to 4 days, while people without the condition have a turnover rate of about every 30 days.1,2,3,4

Current Concepts in the Surgical Treatment of the Degenerative Spine


Dr. Safraz Mohammed1 Dr. Robert Ravinsky2 Dr. Albert Yee3

1University of Ottawa, Neurosurgery, Ottawa Civic Hospital, Ottawa, ON.
2,3University of Toronto, Division of Orthopaedics, Department of Surgery; Holland Musculoskeletal Program and Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, ON.


Abstract: Degenerative conditions of the spine are a major cause of disability, and represent a large economic burden on the health care system. In this review, we have described some of the most common degenerative pathologies of the lumbar spine—low back pain, spinal stenosis, degenerative spondylolisthesis, lumbar disc herniation and cauda equina syndrome—and the diagnostic approach and immediate management from the perspective of the primary care physician. We have emphasized clinical pearls seen in these conditions and specific indications for surgical referral, as well as red flags that should prompt urgent referral for life-threatening entities, such as malignancy and infection.
Key Words: degenerative spine, surgery, lumbar disc herniation, spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesis, radiculopathy.

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1. Evaluate for hip and knee joint pathology, and vascular pathology, especially in older patients presenting with unilateral radiating leg symptoms.
2. Spine surgery is more successful in treating leg dominant pain symptoms than back dominant mechanical pain symptoms.
3. Screen every patient presenting with a lumbar spine complaint for concomitant cervical and thoracic stenosis, in particular looking for evidence of cord compression (i.e. myelopathy). Be suspicious in patients with bilateral leg symptoms.
Clinicians should ensure that a focused history and a thorough physical examination is performed to help place patients with low back pain into several key categories: (a) nonspecific low back pain (Pattern I or II), (b) back pain potentially associated with radiculopathy leg symptoms (Pattern III) or leg claudication from structural spinal stenosis (Pattern IV), or (c) back pain potentially associated with another specific spinal cause (i.e. red flags). The history should also include assessment of psychosocial risk factors, which predict risk for chronic disabling back pain.3
Unless there are red flag symptoms or signs, routine imaging or other diagnostic tests in patients with acute nonspecific low back pain is not required.3
Diagnostic imaging and special investigations in patients with low back pain in the presence of severe or progressive neurologic deficits or when serious underlying conditions are suspected on the basis of history and physical examination.
Surgery can be helpful for patients with leg dominant symptoms (sciatica/radiculopathy, Pattern III) or leg claudication from spinal stenosis (Pattern IV). There is a limited role for surgery for back pain dominant symptoms in the absence of specific structural correlative pathology (i.e. Pattern I or II).3
Approximately 15% of patients with lumbar spinal stenosis will have concurrent cervical or thoracic canal stenosis. One must screen for the presence of upper motor neuron signs and symptoms. Degenerative lumbar stenosis always presents without upper motor findings but may occasionally have focal root compression signs.
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