

Goal-setting in the Office: Tips for Success


Dr. Marina Abdel Malak

is a Family Medicine Resident at the University of Toronto. She graduated and completed her Bachelor of Science in Nursing and went on to study Medicine. She has a passion for medical education, patient empowerment, and increasing awareness about the relationship between mental, emotional, and physical health.


Abstract:Empowering patients to set health-directed goals can be a challenging process. The skilled clinician successfully supports patients in setting goals that are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic/relevant, and time-related). When goals are made in collaboration with patients, they are more likely to be long-lasting and impactful. This article will focus on how physicians can work with patients to identify, create, and work towards meaningful interventions that optimize health.
Key Words: motivation, behaviour changes, counselling, goals, treatment.

Members of the College of Family Physicians of Canada may claim MAINPRO-M2 Credits for this unaccredited educational program.

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Goal-setting should be a partnership between physicians and patients
Asking patients what THEY want—and can—change in their lives/health is the first step to eliciting what behaviours can be targeted
After goals are set, it is important for physicians to reassess patients' progress by asking them if goals were met, and why or why not. When success occurs, patients should be congratulated on their achievements. If the goals were not met, physicians should seek to understand why this occurred, and work with patients to create new goals that are more realistic or achievable
Physicians should motivate patients to set goals that are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic/relevant, and time-related)
Patients are more likely to adhere to behaviours, habits, or interventions if they feel understood, supported, and empowered
Supporting patients in achieving goals that optimize health can have significant impacts on patient wellness, self-esteem, functioning; and strengthens the physician-patient relationship
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Unknown Origins of Syncope



Clinical Lecturer, Cumming School of Medicine, Calgary, University of Calgary, Family Medicine Department, Calgary, AB.


Abstract: Syncope is generally categorized by such known causes as vasovagal syncope, situational syncope, postural syncope, neurologic syncope, postural-orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, and unknown causes. The unknown causes of syncope can be challenging to diagnose and treat since possible causes can range from benign to life-threatening. This article will focus on unknown cases with no evident cause.
Key Words: syncope, unknown causes, diagnosis, treatment.
Incidents of syncope with unknown origin can be challenging to diagnose and treat since possible causes can range from benign to life-threatening.
One of the challenges associated with diagnosing and treating syncope is the plethora of possible causes.
Concrete guidelines for syncope risk assessment would prove to be an invaluable tool in urgent and emergent care environments as well as in family medicine clinics. A standardized approach to syncope cases with unknown origin will improve patient care immeasurably.
No matter whether an incident involving syncope is benign or potentially high risk, any injury sustained should be addressed according to ATLS, ACLS, and PALS guidelines.
The ability to flag patients who are at high risk for morbidity and mortality, judicial use of diagnostic tools.
In 50 % of patients, the cause of a syncope incident will not be evident; a risk stratification (scoring) system ranging from low to intermediate to high would be beneficial.
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JCCC 2019 Issue 5

Table of Contents

Cannabinoids and Low Back Pain


Ted Findlay, DO, CCFP, FCFP

is on Medical Staff with the Calgary Chronic Pain Centre at Alberta Health Services, Calgary Zone in Calgary, Alberta.


Abstract:There is a great deal of interest in the use of cannabis-based products including medically authorized marijuana for the treatment of almost any pain condition including low back pain. There are many anecdotal reports of patients who found it an effective treatment for chronic low back pain, one that has allowed them in some cases to discontinue other treatments such as continuing opioid therapy. There is now easy legal access to cannabis-based preparations in Canada with or without medical authorization. However, with some notable exceptions, the evidence that would allow physicians to have a high degree of confidence in selecting this treatment modality is lacking.
Key Words: cannabis; chronic pain; low back pain; evidence.

Members of the College of Family Physicians of Canada may claim MAINPRO-M2 Credits for this unaccredited educational program.

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1. Compared to medically authorized cannabis, street sourced products are at high risk of contamination including insect remains, fungi, chemical fertilizers and herbicides.
2. Unlike most plant-sourced medications, the active ingredients are located on the cannabis leaf, which raises the risk of contaminant exposure.
3. Cannabis leaves by themselves are inert until heated in a process known as decarboxylation.
4. While inhaled cannabis has a rapid onset of action, ingested products have a delayed onset producing a risk of overdose if continuing to consume while waiting for an expected effect.
5. Little is yet known about potential drug interactions with cannabis use.
Cannabis authorizing physicians will often recommend a higher THC:CBD ratio product for evening or bedtime use, and a higher CBD:THC ratio or pure CBD for daytime use.
As is true for any potential intoxicant, patients need to be cautioned about the risks of operating a motor vehicle or any machinery while under the influence of cannabinoids, especially higher THC ratio products.
Because it is a lipid soluble chemical, urine, blood, or hair tests can detect THC for many days after use. Standardized tools and principles exist for the appraisal of credible eHealth resources.
Physicians in Canada provide medical "authorization" for cannabis use, verifying that the patient has a medical condition for which cannabis could be a valid therapeutic option. This authorization then allows the patient to purchase from a licensed producer up to a recommended quantity in grams per day. Although the basic patient demographics and birthday are required, unlike a prescription, the exact component percentage and potency, method of ingestion, and frequency are not components of the authorization.
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