

JCCC 2018 Issue 1

Table of Contents

The Canadian Spine Surgeon’s Perspective: Avoiding Opioid Use in Spine Patients


Alexandra Stratton, MD, MSc, FRCSC,1
Dr. Darren Roffey, PhD,2
Dr. Erica Stone, MD, FRCPC,3
Mohamed M. El Koussy, BSc,4
Dr. Eugene Wai, MD,5

1Orthopaedic Spinal Surgeon, University of Ottawa Combined Adult Spinal Surgery Program, Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, The Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa, ON.
2University of Ottawa Spine Program, The Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa, ON, Clinical Epidemiology Program, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, ON.
3Anesthesiology, PGY 6 Pain Medicine, The Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa, ON.
4Clinical Research Assistant, University of Ottawa Combined Adult Spinal Surgery Program, Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, The Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa, ON.
5is an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in the care of adult spinal disorders. He is also an Associate Professor in the Department of Surgery at the University of Ottawa. In addition he is the Research Chair for the Canadian Spine Society. Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Québec, Laval University, QC.


Abstract: Opioids are drugs with pain relieving properties; however, there is evidence that opioids are no more effective than non-opioid medications in treating low back pain (LBP), and opioid use results in higher adverse events and worse surgical outcomes. First line treatment should emphasize non-pharmacological modalities including education, self-care strategies, and physical rehabilitation. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are generally considered an appropriate introduction into pharmacological treatment when deemed necessary. Non-opioid adjunct medications can be considered for specific features related to LBP such as neuropathic leg pain. Primary care providers should exhaust first and second line treatments before considering low-dose opioids, and only then in consultation with evidence-based clinical practice guidelines.
Key Words: Pharmacological; low back pain; radiculopathy; opioids; analgesia.

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1. First line treatment for low back and radicular leg pain is non-pharmacological.
2. Second line treatment includes NSAIDs (with or without proton pump inhibitor), and muscle relaxants (3 weeks maximum), gabapentinoids and antidepressants.
3. Exhausting non-opioid analgesics includes trialing different medications within the same class and at different doses since many of these medications have wide therapeutic dose ranges.
A "start low and go slow" approach is recommended for initiating pharmacological treatments for low back and radicular leg pain, especially when using neuroleptics and antidepressants.
When treating low back pain with neuropathic leg pain, patients who fail a trial of pregabalin may tolerate gabapentin, or vice versa.
Antidepressants have a role in managing low back pain, particularly chronic, even in the absence of mood disorder.
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Spinal Lesion: Benign or Malignant? When should you worry?


Raphaële Charest-Morin, MD, FRCSC,1
Nicolas Dea, MD, MSc, FRCSC,2

1Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Québec, Laval University, QC.
2Spine Surgeon, Clinical Associate Professor of Neurosurgical and Orthopedic Spine Program, Vancouver General Hospital, University of British Columbia, BC.


Abstract: General practitioners are occasionally confronted to unknown lesions of the spine. Recognition of imaging characteristics and anatomic details from the different imaging modalities generally provides sufficient information to generate an appropriate differential diagnosis. Importantly, first line clinicians should recognize worrisome imaging characteristics and initiate timely referral when indicated. On the other hand, lesions expressing benign features should also be identified to avoid anxiety for the patient and overuse of diagnosis imaging studies. In a public health-care system, judicious utilization of imaging is of paramount importance. This article will review an approach to unknown bony lesions of the spine.
Key Words: Spinal lesion, tumour, imaging characteristics, primary bone tumours.

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A solitary spinal lesion warrants a careful investigation. Most of the time, local imaging and systemic staging provide diagnosis.
In patients over 40 years old, most tumours are malignant with metastases and multiple myeloma being the most frequent. Benign and incidental lesions such as bony islands and hemangiomas are, however, also frequently encountered in this age group.
In patients under 30 years old, tumours of the spine are uncommon and are generally benign with the exception of Ewing Sarcoma and Osteosarcoma.
Primary bone tumours of the spine are rare and should be referred to specialized centers.
Worrisome features on imaging include aggressive bony destruction, spinal canal invasion, soft tissue mass and multiple level involvement.
Pyogenic infections usually start in the disc space, whereas tumours generally spare the intervertebral disc.
Most aggressive lesions will initially present with non-specific clinical complaints and as such, a high level of suspicion is warranted. Systemic symptoms are rare with primary bone tumours.
Most incidental findings do not require any follow-up or further investigation.
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Abandoning Treatment Due to Age Alone


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When caring for older adults with comorbidities, especially those at the extreme upper limits of life, it may be easy for providers to lessen the intensity of their curiosity and medical investigation. For some older individuals’ chronic conditions, the odds of a positive outcome may seem too distant or the patient’s discomfort—or, in many jurisdictions, the financial burden—may act as a barrier to the pursuit of answers.

Sometimes it can seem like the answer itself is unlikely to result in any meaningful benefit to the patient. When providers see an older patient with what appears to be a chronic condition, who is physically and mentally declining, it is not unusual for the provider to just accept it as a natural consequence of extreme aging. Patients themselves and their families are willing to accept futility as well, even if reluctantly, when the “verdict” comes from a physician—especially if it is a “specialist.”

One such example of this kind of case—what might be called “beneficent ageism”—occurred in my ambulatory geriatric practice. The patient was 95 years old when I first encountered her in my office accompanied by two devoted daughters who were committed to her care and fixated on the task of trying to allow her to live out most of her life in the communal home (one daughter lived with her with her family and the other lived close by). They were truly doting children.

The patient’s main complaint was cognitive impairment, and she fit the usual criteria for mild dementia with a range of vascular risk factors—she actually was started on and responded modestly to donepezil. With this positive result, it became clear that she had other bothersome symptoms that had, over time, been attributed to her age. For example, she became easily short of breath and had been to emergency rooms (ERs) over the years with what had been construed as heart failure due to a mixture of hypertension with (what seemed to be) mild chronic lung disease of uncertain etiology. She was maintained on the usual collection of vascular enhancers and pulmonary puffers, which afforded her some comfort with the acute episodes that had resulted in ER visits—an extra dose of furosemide and some intensive bronchodilator therapy.

She also had modest anemia, which had never really been looked into and seemed merely incidental. It was treated intermittently with blood transfusion for which no clear etiology was found—she had normal blood levels of B12, folate, and iron but a moderately low ferritin for which iron had been given with minimal benefit to her hematological parameters.

At the age of 97, I consulted with her attending physician and specialists to see what the cause of her anemia was and whether it could be possible that the degree of anemia might be compromising not only to her cognitive function but to her cardio-respiratory function. The daughters agreed that after blood transfusion she always seemed better in terms of her cognition and “breathing,” whereas, when the levels began to fall, she would often be short of breath at rest with little in the way of exercise reserve. Despite a number of enquiries, I could not convince any of the other physician specialists to agree to have her referred to a hematologist. Having heard about the possibility of a bone marrow biopsy with a hematologist, the daughters were even reluctant to intervene with an investigation that might cause her discomfort. I explained the procedure (having had a few myself for personal medical problems) and said, if by chance something were found, it might respond to medication that could stimulate the blood-making process of the body. The hematologist referral was eventually accepted with reluctance by the patient and her daughters.

One day a fax came through with a letter from a nephrologist and the hematologist indicating that they would forego an actual bone marrow evaluation to avoid discomfort but felt that the patient’s minor renal impairment combined with her other chronic disease burden might respond to therapy with erythropoietin.

About 8 weeks later, the patient and her daughters came into my clinic, early for the appointment as usual. When I saw them in the waiting area, they waved at me, and I could not help but note that the patient was not huffing and puffing as I had previously seen her—even while sitting. When their turn came and I could see her close-up, I saw that her skin color was more robust than usual, that she indeed was not huffing as she spoke to me, her cognition was at least as good as previously, and, if anything, the content of her speech and language appeared better. The more communicative daughter handed me a sheet of paper on which numbers were written. “You would not have received these yet as they are only from yesterday, so I copied them down for you—unbelievable.”

Indeed the numbers were impressive with a hemoglobin level that had gone up almost 20 points from the previous 6-month average. Her skin color and conjunctival color was close to normal. But most impressive was her breathing pattern and the animation of her speech. The daughters were beside themselves with glee and the patient thanked me—by name—which she was not always able to do.

There is an adage that goes something like “age alone cannot be used to determine the likelihood of usefulness of treatments.” While it should be understood that age is an important component of decision-making, if the investigation and treatments are not onerous by nature, they should not be discarded simply because of the high-age factor. Indeed, nothing should interfere with a thorough analytical review of possible diagnostic and treatment options for each individual a medical provider encounters.

This article was originally published online at

Chronic Neuropathic Pain in Primary Care—The Role of Neuromodulation


Philippe Magown, MD CM, PhD, FRCSC,

Caleo Health, Calgary, Alberta.


Abstract: Neuropathic pain is a severe pain condition characterized by burning, tingling, or lancinating pain in the distribution of a nerve, dermatome, or sclerotome and affects patient function, quality of life, mood, and employment. Neuropathic pain is generally refractory to pain medications but amenable to gabapentinoids and antidepressants. When neuropathic pain is refractory to conservative medical management, neuromodulation is the next strategy. Neuromodulation is the modulation of neural signals, most commonly performed with electrical stimulation, such as spinal cord stimulation. Spinal cord stimulation can provide clinically significant pain relief, improve quality of life and function for neuropathic pain conditions such as failed back surgery syndrome, complex regional pain syndrome, painful diabetic neuropathy, and refractory angina.
Key Words: Spinal cord stimulation, failed back surgery syndrome, complex regional pain syndrome, painful diabetic neuropathy, refractory angina.

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1. Neuromodulation outcomes for neuropathic pain are best if performed early upon confirmation of pain refractoriness to multimodal and multi-pharmacological management.
2. Level 1 and 2 evidences support the use of neuromodulation for neuropathic pain conditions such as failed back surgery syndrome, complex regional pain syndrome, painful diabetic neuropathy, and refractory angina.
3. Neuromodulation can provide 50% or more pain relief in a significant proportion of patients with neuropathic pain conditions refractory to pharmacotherapy.
1. Neuropathic pain is a severe pain condition along a nerve, dermatome, or sclerotome that is characterized by burning, lancinating, prickling, or shocking-like pain generally refractory to pain medications.
2. Neuropathic pain refractory to four or more pharmacological agents among TCAs, SNRIs, gabapentinoids, and tramadol can benefit from neuromodulation, even more so if performed within two years of onset.
3. Neuromodulation can provide 50% or more pain relief in a significant proportion of patients with failed back surgery syndrome, complex regional pain syndrome, painful diabetic neuropathy, and refractory angina.
A successful back school educates the patient about the benign nature of back pain and provides the tools to transfer knowledge about back hygiene into practice in the patient's life.
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