

upper airway cough syndrome

Chronic Cough in Older Adults

Chronic Cough in Older Adults


Clodagh M. Ryan, MD MRCPI, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Respirology, University Health Network / University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.

Chronic cough is defined as a cough that persists longer than eight weeks. It is one of the most frequent complaints of patients attending physicians’ outpatient clinics. Contrary to popular belief, the diagnosis and treatment of the majority of patients can be achieved by following an empiric, integrative approach. As chronic cough may be responsible for significant deterioration in quality of life, successful management and treatment is important for individual patients. Unfortunately, failure to adequately manage chronic cough is usually due to physician ignorance of the current diagnostic algorithms, which pertain as much to older as to younger adults.
Key words: chronic cough, older adults, upper airway cough syndrome, reflux disease, asthma.