

JCCC 2023 Issue 2

Table of Contents

D’Arcy L. Little MD, CCFP, FCFP, FRCPC
We are pleased to present the Spring edition of the Journal of Current Clinical Care.
Back Health
Jessica Albanese MD et al.
Though they have significant morbidity and mortality, spine infections are a rare cause of back pain.
Mental Health
Louis T. van Zyl MD, M.Med. et al.
There is increasing appreciation of the relevance of sleep to general well-being, especially for those with medical—including psychiatric—illnesses.
Amir Gohari et al.
Body-focused repetitive behaviours are common yet poorly understood conditions with significant mental and physical implications.
Gender & Health
Michael Gordon MD, MSc, FRCPC, FACP, FRCPEdin et al.
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common in older adults, with prevalence increasing with each decade above sixty-five.