

Post-test: Athletes and their Hearts: What the Primary Care Physician Should Recognize

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Question 1

Please consider this case: Andrew is a 25-year old training for the Summer Olympics, and participates in the basketball tournaments. He comes to you for a ‘check-up’ prior to his training for this season. He is healthy, takes no medications, and denies any symptoms at this visit. He willingly tells you that on occasion, he has tried cocaine and drinks about 2-3 drinks a night. What is your initial approach to Andrew?
He must be immediately screened with an ECG and echocardiogram, as he is engaging in intense physical activity
Ask Andrew if he has ever felt any chest pain, experienced syncope during exercise, or has a family history of sudden cardiac death
Send Andrew to an exercise specialist or cardiologist for a pre-participation screening
Advise Andrew that since he is healthy, he can start his training without concern