

Post-test: Goal-setting in the Office

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Question 1

Please consider this case: Jane, a 55-year old female patient of yours with diatype-2 diabetes, comes in to review her recent bloodwork. She is currently taking Metformin 500mg twice daily. Her last A1C was 7.6, and today, it is 8.1. She tells you that she hasn’t been taking her Metformin every single day – in fact, she thinks she has been missing it for the past month or so.
Your next best step should be: Telling Jane that her A1C is rising, and that without her telling you, you suspected she wasn’t being compliant with her medications
Ask Jane why she has been missing her Metformin
Remind Jane that Metformin is essential for diabetic control
Let her know that it is okay that she missed some of her medications, but she needs to start taking them again immediately