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Clinico-Pathological Quiz

Clinico-Pathological Quiz

Members of the College of Family Physicians of Canada may claim one non-certified credit per hour for this non-certified educational program.

Mainpro+® Overview

Dr. Pradeep Shenoy, MD, DLO, FRCS, FACS, is the ENT service chief, Campbellton Regional Hospital, Campbellton, New Brunswick, Canada.
Dr. Lyew Warren, MD, FRCSC, Consultant Pathologist, Campbellton Regional Hospital, Campbellton, New Brunswick, Canada.

A case of a fleshy, granular, pedunculated growth from the oral cavity will be presented. A differential diagnosis of similar growths from the oral cavity and the treatment options will be discussed.
Key Words: congenital epulis, epulis fissuratum, granular cell tumour, immunohistochemistry S-100, vimentin, neurone specific enolase, CO2 laser excision.