

facial paresis

Cholesteatoma with Right Facial Paralysis A Case Report

Cholesteatoma with Right Facial Paralysis A Case Report

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P.K. Shenoy, MD, FRCS, DLO, FACS, ENT Service Chief, Campbellton Regional Hospital, Campbellton, NB, Canada.

Dr.K.B.Bali, MBBS, MS, FACS, Senior ENT Specialist,
Al Ain Hospital, Al Ain, UAE.

Cholesteatoma is a benign growth of skin in abnormal location such as the middle ear or the petrous apex which is located deep in the inner ear and is known to cause a variety of complications. We describe a patient with a cholesteatoma who had right facial paresis that improved after the removal of the cholesteatoma. Review of the literature regarding cholesteatoma is discussed.
Key Words: cholesteatoma, labrynthine fistula, facial paresis, attic defect, primary acquired, secondary acquired.