

Screening Mammography is Underutilized in the Elderly

Valerie Ha, BSc

In the past ten years, public campaigning on behalf of breast cancer has raised awareness to new heights. Despite an increase in the incidence of breast cancer over the past twenty years (most likely due to better detection of disease), we have seen a plateau and even more recently a decline in the mortality rates in both Canada and the United States. This is likely due to our ability to diagnose disease earlier through breast screening and our improvements in treatment.

Breast Screening is indeed a major player in our fight against breast cancer. It is estimated that a significant reduction in breast cancer mortality can be achieved in Ontario if 70% of women between the ages of 50-69 were to participate in a program of early detection.

It is estimated that a significant reduction in breast cancer mortality can be achieved in Ontario if 70% of women between the ages of 50-69 were to participate in a program of early detection.


Breast cancer screening involves participation in biennial mammograms, monthly self-examination and regular breast examination by a trained professional; a regimen that should be followed during the years that the woman is most likely to be affected.