

cervical oesophagotomy

Sharp Foreign Bodies in the Upper Digestive Tract

Sharp Foreign Bodies in the Upper Digestive Tract


To use a Flexible or Rigid Endoscope is a Real Dilemma—A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Pradeep K. Shenoy, MD, DLO, FRCS, FACS,1 K.Bali, MD, MS(ORL),2
1ENT Service Chief, Campbellton Regional Hospital, NB, Campbellton, Canada. 2Deputy Head of Ear Nose and Throat Dept, Al Ain Hospital, Al Ain, UAE.

A case of a sharp foreign body (needle) in the upper oesophagus is reported. A review of the literature of ingestion of sharp foreign bodies, failed extractions, different management techniques and complications is discussed.
Keywords: sharp foreign body, flexible endoscopy, rigid endoscopy, IJV thrombosis, cervical oesophagotomy, oesophageal perforation, mediastinitis, cricopharyngoscope, oesophagoscope, colonoscope, Weerda diverticuloscope.