

JCCC 2014 Issue 1

Table of Contents

D’Arcy L. Little MD, CCFP, FCFP, FRCPC
I am pleased to introduce the first edition for 2014 of the Journal of Current Clinical Care.
Michael Gordon MD, MSc, FRCPC, FACP, FRCPEdin
The use of artificial nutrition and hydration (ANH) has become relatively commonplace
Shannon Humphrey MD
The pathogenesis of acne is tied to Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes), an anaerobic bacteria.
Pradeep K. Shenoy MD, DLO, FRCS, FACS et al.
Nasal vestibular mass are not commonly seen in ENT practice. We are presenting a patient with a large right nasal vestibular mass, who complained of nasal obstruction and epistaxis.