

JCCC 2015 Issue 4

Table of Contents

D’Arcy L. Little MD, CCFP, FCFP, FRCPC
Fall is here and I am pleased to introduce the next issue of the Journal of Current Clinical Care.
D'Arcy Little
Every radiologist makes mistakes, and every radiologist that I know worries about it.
Michael Gordon MD, MSc, FRCPC, FACP, FRCPEdin
Advance care planning has become a much touted and potentially very important addition to the new operative structure of meeting the many challenges of an ever increasingly older population.
Ariel Lefkowitz MD
From what I can tell, this lady has the worst job on Earth. She earned her nickname “The Reaper” by asking grief-stricken relatives to donate their brain-dead family member’s organs for transplant.
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Paul J. Moroz MD, MSc, FRCSC et al.
Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) is a condition requiring early detection for appropriate management.