

Screening for Early Dementia in Primary Care

Ellen Grober, PhD, Department of Neurology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY, USA.

We have developed and validated a cost-effective case finding tool for early dementia in primary care that consists of two stages: a rapid dementia screening test administered to all patients over the age of 65 and a second stage to identify memory impairment administered to patients who fail the first stage. The Alzheimer’s Disease Screen for Primary Care (ADS-PC) had high sensitivity and specificity for early dementia and higher sensitivity for AD, and distinguished AD from non-AD dementias. The ADS-PC outperformed the MMSE and worked equally well in African-American and Caucasian primary care patients and in patients that differed in educational level.
Key words: Alzheimer’s disease, early dementia, mass screening, primary health care, neuropsychological tests.