

The Results are in and the Lucky Winners are

The results of the readership survey are in and the winners have been selected. Thanks to all of you who took the time to provide us with important feedback. As we said in the survey, we value your opinion!

Now, to the winners…

Reflecting our nationwide distribution, the winners of the survey come from across Canada.

Congratulations to our Grand-Prize winner of $1000, Dr. Rod Rabb of Richmond, ON and his administrative professional Mary Kavanaugh who wins $100. We hope you find a great way to spend the money!

Our runner-up was Dr. Wesley McKee of Saskatoon, SK and his administrative professional Nancy Downey, who will split $600 in winnings. In third-place was Dr. Jaime Caro of Dorval, QC and his administrative professional, Nicole Boyte, who will divide up $300.

Once again, thank you to the hundreds of people who participated in the survey and particularly those who identified topics, which are of particular interest to them. Those of you who specified surgery in the elderly as an area of interest no doubt enjoyed our surgery updates on Minimally Invasive Surgery and Total Joint Replacement. Keep your eyes open for the October issue on Perioperative Care.

The group who asked for more information on Skin Disorders and Nutrition will enjoy some upcoming articles this year but will be particularly pleased in 2002 when we will have entire issues dedicated to these topics. For those interested in Travel, see our Events and Conventions on page 10.

Many of you identified a problem with our current size and found the article continuations frustrating. We welcome additional commentary on this subject, as we are considering on moving to a regular magazine size for 2002. You can reach us at

Congratulations once again to our lucky prize-winners! Enjoy the rest of your summer!