Editor's Note, Volume 13 Issue 4

D’Arcy Little, MD, CCFP, FCFP, FRCPC Medical Director, JCCC and HealthPlexus.NET
We are pleased to present the next edition of the Journal of Current Clinical Care, which as usual, features a collection of articles on important clinical topics across various specialities. Our aim is to provide you with practical insights and updates that can enhance your clinical practice.In this edition, we have articles that cover Back Health, Ethics, A Diabetes Complications Case Study, and Caregiving.
The Back Health CME Resource article, written by Dr. Vega-Arroyo Miguel and Dr. Perry Dhaliwal from the University of Manitoba, focuses on Cauda Equina Syndrome: a review of all you need to know. Cauda Equina Syndrome is the collection of signs and symptoms produced by severe compression of the lumbar spinal nerves that form the cauda equina. Rapid diagnosis and treatment are paramount as CES requires emergent surgical decompression.
In the Ethics article From Kant to Assisted Suicide, Dr. Michael Gordon provides insight into his life's journey from studying medicine in Scotland to his choice to study geriatrics and then branch into medical ethics to his recent participation in the assessment of those requiring medical assistance in dying (MAiD in Canada).
In the Caregiving article, Dr. Albert J. Kirshen presents Principles of Geriatric Palliative Care. This article explores the importance of recognizing, assessing, and managing symptoms for older adults needing palliative care. It offers insights into how physicians and healthcare providers can improve the quality of life for seniors by addressing their pain and symptom management needs.
Dr. Carol Schwartz offers a Case Study on Diabetes Complications: Diabetic Retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy requires appropriate screening, good systemic control of blood sugar, hypertension, dyslipidemia and renal function, as well as timely treatment with intra-vitreal anti-VEGF injections and laser photocoagulation when appropriate and surgical intervention when necessary.
We also want to highlight two podcasts in this edition, which we hope you find interesting and informative. Dr. Marina Malak presents her Review of the Liver series with her 3P: Pills, Pearls, and Patients podcast, and Dr. Michael Gordon's Medical Narratives podcast offers insights on Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD).
We hope you find this edition informative and valuable in your clinical practice. As always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions.