Editor's Note, Volume 12 Issue 3

D’Arcy Little, MD, CCFP, FCFP, FRCPC Medical Director, JCCC and HealthPlexus.NET
I am pleased to introduce the next issue of the Journal of Current Clinical Care.In their article, The Types and Treatments of Spondylolisthesis, Drs. Brett Rocos and Daniel Ochieng review spondylolisthesis that is a common finding in the adult patient, but seldom requires surgical intervention. Up to 18% of the population show spondylolisthesis on spinal imaging with the vast majority requiring little or no treatment. This article explores the aetiology of spondylolisthesis, alongside key findings in the history and examination that should prompt referral, as well as presenting the evidence supporting surgical treatment. Spondylolisthesis affects patients at nearly every stage of life and understanding why and how to manage this common problem will aid in counselling patients and making appropriate referrals.
Dr. Michael Gordon offers Public–Medicine Dissonance: Why in a World of Evidence-based Medicine? The evolution of medicine is quite remarkable and astounding. Modern medicine is successfully treating or providing long-term control of conditions which in the not-so-distant past may have been lethal or may have resulted in permanent disability. The strong emphasis on evidence-based medicine in today's medical profession has led to a more organized approach to evaluating the safety and efficacy of new medical treatments. Despite attempts to meet the complex needs of an ever-aging population, an almost cynical or inherent distrust of physicians in general and their medical claims is being increasingly noted. To understand better the issues and challenges involved, today's medical practitioner needs to be aware of the complex mix of organizational, professional, ethical, and at times anthropological perspectives contributing to this dissonance between medical professionals and the public.
For a lighter read Dr. Michael Gordon writes about Musical Magic and the Mind where he explores the important connection between classical music and our health and well-being.
I hope you enjoy this latest edition. Please consider commenting or submitting an article of your own.