

topical steroids

Psoriasis in Older Adults

Psoriasis in Older Adults


Carrie Lynde, MD, Dermatology PGY-1, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
John Kraft, MD, Dermatology PGY-4, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
Charles Lynde, MD, FRCPC, Assistant Professor, Division of Dermatology, University of Toronto; Dermatology consultant for Metropolitan Homes for the Aged, Toronto; Markham Stouffville Hospital; Scarborough Grace Hospital, Toronto, ON.

Psoriasis is a chronic relapsing skin disease. Age of onset is bimodal with a peak in second to third decades and the sixth decade. Individuals affected by psoriasis usually complain of lower self-esteem. Choice of therapy depends on many factors, including areas affected, extent of disease, patient’s lifestyle, other health problems, and medications. Many effective therapies exist, including topicals, phototherapy, systemics, and biologicals.
Key words: psoriasis, comorbidities, topical steroids, phototherapy, biologics.