Olya Lechky
 Dr. Serge Gouthier |
Canada now has the distinction of being in the international forefront of research into the causes and treatment of Alzheimer's Disease (AD). This is due in no small measure to the efforts of Dr. Serge Gauthier and colleagues Drs. Judes Poirier and Rémi Quirion who in 1997 won the prestigious Prix Galien Canada. The award is bestowed annually in recognition of outstanding research contributions in basic science and clinical care.
Dr. Gauthier, director of the Alzheimer's Disease research unit at the McGill Centre for Studies in Aging in Montreal, has been immersed in AD research for over two decades. He has published 175 scientific papers in a host of scientific journals and was the editor of 52 contributions to a textbook called The Clinical Diagnosis and Management of Alzheimer's Disease. "This is the number one textbook on AD in the world right now. So Canada is very much in the forefront in this field.